Although I have not reaveled it yet, I have a major thing to tell you. We have a problem on Mammoth. The picture is not very clear but, it was earlyer today. ~Blue Club~ was the largest ir has been in a vast amount of time. Who was responsable for making the army so big. I don't know; but, Iceyfeet is a member of the forgoten Ice Warriors just now making a stand. Their leader was Iceyfeet and still is. He needed a way to make the army he had bigger.(his army was only two other people.)So, he went to our army; he ate his way to the top with his allys. Then declared war on ACP, FF, Green, and Reds. ACP and FF were our allys at the time but now, we have no allys but, the Silver Surfers. This war he made was a suicide mission. We wone aganst them. But, if Fever and Fort hear of this and won't to destroy us. You know who to blame. I discused with our leader Caleb75 about it. We are abandoning Mammoth. In one day he riped apart an intire sector we had layed out. Seeing now has most of our troops don't know our leader I wan't every one to recrut under Caleb75. But, sence Husky is full alot. We need another server. I found Flippers a good one. Flippers is said to be monitered by Fevers army. I want to tell you that, It never has any soldiers of his most of the time. We have no other competion. Iceyfeet has torn that termanol apart of Mammoth. And, for his evil deed. He has been given the cod name "WORM". In addition to this message I wish to tell you of recruting. So far we have a Left Hand and Right Hand Man. We now need 2 BORDER CAPTINS for termanols 1 and 2. Number 1 is for Husky and number 2 is for Flippers. Hafter that you can choose a termanol. All recruts from Mammoth will go to Flippers. And, If you were recruted in either Husky or Flippers thats your teramanol. Please comment for a spot has a BORDER CAPTIN. I will tell you where to go in my next post. Deadline is on August 10th 2008on the elevinth I will post. That is all.
~Emperer Josh
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