Saturday, August 2, 2008

Updates on C.P.

OK, now I know I haven't been updating lately. The reason was because, I was on vacation. I'm back now. I've got all the secrets of the clothing catalogue listed above, the new pin is in the night club, and the other pick is of the aqua grabber update. Its a huge blood thirsty beast! (lol XD) Well you don't want to touch it with your ship at least. So, in war news. There is no possibility of making a stand to fight for the party has every one including most of our soldiers playing instruments. I will alow for this; until, the end of the party. After the party I am sending an N.S.R.P. or New Soldiers Recrutment Program. The new stage is infulencing the ~Blue Club~ to Recrut new member. In the unlikly event that the rally of our troops trigers a small, masive, or regulor sized war with any other army. We will rally all of the troops on Husky. We will send half of army to fight the other half to rally. Once, we get all the men rallyed we hit them hard. A good twenty man army should put any regular sized war down. In the event of a massive war we flea to our new base (or old base I can't remember) ,the Mine. We stand guard there with the same proseger. Than half stand guard half go fight. If we are winning the battle three soldiers will go to the Mine and rally us to the battle. Beware of fakes. Remember three. I have nothing more to add to this post.
~Emperer Josh

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